Welcoming the Intruder

Welcoming the Intruder is another work incorporating many elements from the other works developed during the course of the research. It is a large, vertical canvas-board layered in a textural application of wallpaper, similar to How the Land Hates and Archaean Secrets. It is more uniformly and evenly painted, like Wordless, although it does include a very dominant and gestural wash of white paint towards the top of the work. The application, which has been left to drip and dry, almost accidentally, is similar to Erosion and Erasures, and contributes to a build-up of an activated planed against which the foreground can be contrasted.

Price: R14,500

Availability: Sold

Date Painted: 2013

Medium: (W)120 cm x (H)180 cm x (D)3 cm